FoldersSynchronizer 2.1.2 - by Softobe - April, 30th, 2001 •
Shareware Utilities for Macintosh for Synchronizations or Backups. Choose two or more folders/files/disks and then they will be synchronized exaclty. The old files will be replaced with the newest files in both the directions. The new files (new entries) will be copied in both the directions, as well as the new Folders.
The old Folders will not replaced entirely by the newer, as the Finder used to do, but their content will be updated with the newest files, the new files (new entries) and new Folders(new entries).
• FS also can backup the deleted files.
• FS can filter the documents to copy, by Type, by Creator and by Modification Date.
• FS can do 16 multiple synchronizations or backups from custom lists. The user can save and load the lists.
• FS allows creating, renaming, deleting up to 8 pop-up-lists for each Option area.
• FS can synchronize or backup at the time you specify in the timer list or by the timer interval.
• FS can copy invisible Files and Folders.
• FS can unlock the locked files, so the "exact backup" can delete also the locked files.
• FS can stop or skip or ask for further instruction, if an error occurs.
• FS can exclude, from the sync or backup, the folders and files you specify in the Excluding item list.
• FS can resolve aliases.
• FS can save and show Log Files.
• FS can save and open “Configuration Files”.
• FS allows drag and drop of “Configuration Files”, “Multiple Lists Files”, source and destination folders and files.
• FS can work in background.
• FS can control the last Backup Date of the files.
• Tested on MacOS 8 and 9 and MacOS X.
• Scriptable by AppleScript.
• Registered users will receive an email on every new X.X or important release.
Please keep in mind FoldersSynchronizer cannot revert the process.
We suggest strongly to perform a trial on two just-created folders with some
just-created SimpleText files. After you have understood well how FS works,
go synchronize your real folders...
Read this ReadMe file and the PDF user's manual.
Requirements for Macintosh:
MacOS 8.6 or higher (Tested from MacOS 8.6 through MacOS 9.1 or MacOSX)
4 Mb of free RAM
1,8 Mb free on disk
Color QuickDraw
Price: 30$
Upgrade from versions 1 to version 2 (for registered users only): 10$
All the 2.X.X releases are free for "version 2 registered users".
The 2.X.X releases include the MacOS X compliant release.
What's new in the 2.1.2 (April, 30th 2001)
• As requested, FS now can control if since the last sync/backup both the source and destination files have been modified. To activate this control, go to the Settings area and mark the new chek-box "Check Backup Date". If checked, FS will consider this case as an error. Thus it will behave as specified by the radio button "If an error occurred".
If "Ask", the user will be shown the "Replace File" dialog. He will be able to to Stop, Skip or Execute the replacement.
Also, on Classic environment, the user will be able to launch and inspect the files with their application, and to open their parent folders in the Finder.
If "Skip" FS will not replace the destination file and will continue to execute the current synchronization or backup.
If "Stop" FS will stop the whole current synchronization or backup.
If the check-box "Check Backup Date" is unmarked, FS will never check the last Backup Date, thus if the source file has the most recent modification date, it will always replace the destination file.
The check-box "Check Backup Date" is marked by default.
• As requested, The ShortLog window and the LogFile now report the "Deleted Folders" and "Deleted Files" counters.
• Some other minor improvements.
What's new in the 2.1 (April, 17th 2001)
• It runs on MacOS X and Classic environments. FS is now a Carbon application.
• The preference file on MacOS X is in the folder "(Home):Library:Preferences:FoldersSync 2.0 Prefs".
Thus there is a different preference file for each user.
• The "Session" files saved on MacOS X have a 128x128 icon. Drag these files onto the Dock to better see that icon. Also you will be able to launch and configure FS clicking on the icon in the Dock.
• If a fileName/folderName conflict occurs while copying, and the fileName contains a dot "." (e.g. "MyFile.rtf"), FS will rename that file to "MyFile.1.rtf" thus avoiding problems with Mac OS X's linking mechanism.
What's new in the 2.0.6
• Allows to define aliases (file and folders) as main source and destination.
• The Short Log window is not long modal.
• To open the Short Log window use the menu command only. This is temporaneous. We are developing the MacOS X compliant version, so there are a lot of changes in working...
• Bit changes in the Splash Screen window. We are going to the MacOS X version.
• The MacOS X version is ready and works fine. We are testing it and we'll release it as soon as possible.
What's new in the 2.0.5
• The Excluding area allows to exclude files. Hold down both the Command and Option keys and click the cell to select a file, or drag the file onto the cell.
• All the "Choose File" Navigation Services dialogs, now show "All Documents" items by default.
• Holding down the Option key and clicking the "folder" icons on the console will erase the source or destination folder.
• Fixed a minor bug about selecting files/folders in the Multiple List.
• Fixed a minor bug about updating menus after a Timed-Task.
• Fixed a minor bug about saving the changes of the current Configuration File before choosing the "New" command.
What's new in the 2.0.3
• Allows to define files as source and destination. Hold down both the Command and Option keys and click the Top/Bottom Folder icon to select a file as source or destination. In the multiple list, hold down both the Command and Option keys and click the source or destination cell.
• Allows to see japanese file names, folder names and path names.
What's new in the 2.0.2
• Fixed a bug (coming from the v.2.0.1) regarding the counter of the multiple active rows.
• Fixed a minor bug about the pop-up menus and the lists in all the option areas.
What's new in the 2.0.1
• Fixed a bug regarding the busy destination files replacement.
• As requested, also FS copies the icons position.
• Speed increasing of 2.5%.
• Added version resource to the document files.
What's new in the 2.0
• x2 faster than 1.X versions.
• Drang and drop.
• Background running mode.
• Resolves aliases.
• Up to 8 lists for each area available by pop-up menu.
• 4MB of free RAM only.
• Never need to increase the application memory. Never.
• Saves and Opens "Configuration Files" and configure all the FS options.
• Drag the Configuration Files on the console and configure all the FS options.
• Fully Mac Appearances.
• Copies the custom icons.
• Copies all the finder file/folder attributes.
• Allows to choose different disks with same names.
• Allows to backup from CDs.
• Balloon Help.
• PDF User's Manual.
What's new in the 1.9.5
• As introduced by the last "Exclude Folders" feature, now, at startup, the Multiple List check is skipped too.
Therefore, even if the defined folders/disks in the multiple list were not available when FS starts, the "Multiple on" check-box will remain still "On". FS will execute the check on the folders/disks during each sync/backup.
If the check-box "If an error occurred" is "Skip", FS will skip the task in case of error, and will notify this on the Short Log and/or on the Log File.
• The Log window now reports also the "Excluded Folders" list.
What's new in the 1.9.4
• Added the new "Exclude Folders" feature. The user can select up to 16 folders which will be excluded from the synchronization or backup. For example, the user can exclude the "Desktop Folder" or the "System Folder" when FS synchronizes or backups a whole disk.
How it works:
• Select the item "Exclude" from the "Option" menu, or click on the bottom-right "X" button on the screen and go to the "Exclude" area. Mark the check-box "Exclude on" to activate and edit the "Exclude list".
• Choose the subfolder you want to exclude by cliking on a row of the list. FS cannot exclude the source or the destination folders/disks.
Hold down the option key and click on the row to remove the folder from the list. Hold down the command key and clik on the row to see the folder pathname. You can deactivate a folder by cliking on the cell "•" ("On/Off"). The inactive folders will be shown grayed out. To remove all the folder from the list in only one step, clik on the little trash icon.
• Click on the "Apply" button to confirm your settings. Click on the "Cancel" button to leave the list so as it was.
Important: if you set an "Exclude folders list" and mark the check-box "Exclude on", FS will avoid to synchronize or backup either the folders you specified and their related source/destination folders. If you chosen, for example, a subfolder from the destination folder, FS will exclude also its related source subfolder.
When the Exclude feature is "on", the "X" button on the console will be shown greened out.
What's new in the 1.9.3
• Added a new check-box "Override Newer Files" (only for Backup mode). If marked, FS will replace, in the destination Folder, all the files which have a different modification date/time than the source files one. This way, FS will replace, in the destination Folder, the newer files and the older files but will leave untouched the files which have the same modification date/time of the related source files.
What's new in the 1.9.2
• Fixed a minor bug about the automatic "Sync and Quit"; now FS works properly as the "ShutDown" application.
Simply go to the "Timer area" and mark the checkbox "On Start: Sync/BackUp and Quit". Ensure that you have defined the source folder, the destination folder (or multiple list), and the task options. Quit the application. Make an alias of FS and put it into the "ShutDown Items" folder inside the System Folder. When you shut down the machine, FS will be launched and will perform the task you specified. Then the machine will shut down.
• You can stop the automatic task by pressing the "Stop" button.
• To turn off the check-box "On Start: Sync/BackUp and Quit" before the Console appeared, you have to launch FS holding down the Command Key until you hear a beep sound.
What's new in the 1.9.1
• Fixed a minor bug about deleting the Safety Temp File "TempFileFoldersSynchronizer".
What's new in the 1.9
• As most users requested, the multiple list allows to sync/backup up to 16 pairs of folders.
What's new in the 1.8.9
• In the Timer area there is a new Check-Box "On Start: Sync/BackUp and Quit".
If this check-box is on, when you will relaunch FS, it will execute the last task you specified (sync, backup, multiple sync, multiple backup, with or without Filters, preferences, and so forth), and then will quit automatically.
This way you can put FS (or better, its alias) into the "SturtUp Items" folder or the "ShutDown Items" folder inside the System Folder to activate this feature whenever you Boot or ShutDown your Mac.
Don't forget to mark the check-box "Remember Folders" if you want to perform a single sync/backup.
Don't forget to mark the check-box "Remember Settings" into the multiple area, if you want to perform a multiple sync/backup. In this case we suggest to set the radio-button "If an error occurred:" to "Skip", if you want FS doesn't quit at the first error occurred. So, all the next multiple tasks will be always executed.
FS executes the task 10 seconds after the Console appeared. So you have the time to turn off the check-box, if you want.
To turn off the check-box before the Console appeared, you have to launch FS holding down the Command Key until you hear a beep sound.
You cannot use this option together with the "Timer On".
What's new in the 1.8.8
• In the Filter "Date Selection" dialog, the user can set the date from the last Backup/Sync done.
What's new in the 1.8.7
• Fixed a bug regarding the locked files replacement.
• As requested, the "Error Count" in the Log File appears even if 0 (zero).
• The ShortLog window now shows also what has caused the stop Sync/BackUp.
What's new in the 1.8.6
• Added a Check-Box "Ask Confirmation". If unmarked, FS will not ask for a confirmation before launching the sync or backUp.
• The ShortLog and the LogFile report also the Preferences settings and the Filters applied.
• Improvement of the Scan Folder routine. The scanning works now with a different sorting mode (as Finder).
• A new AppleScript file sample "ASSyncMulti" (inside the folder "AE Applet Samples") shows how to perform more than 7 Multiple Syncs.
What's new in the 1.8.5
• Fixed a little trouble about Plugins' icon map resource.
• Added some internal controls when backup.
What's new in the 1.8.4
• There is a new Radio Button in the Preferences Area: "If an error occured".
The user can choose to "Stop" the task when an error occures, or to "Skip" the errors and continue to sync or backup.
During the tasks launched by Timer, if the RadioButton "Skip" is marked, the Timer will remain on.
During the tasks launched by Timer, if the RadioButton "Stop" is marked, the Timer will switch to off.
During a Multiple Sync or Backup, if the RadioButton "Skip" is marked, all the Syncs or BackUps will be executed.
The Errors count will be reported in the Short Log and in the Log File (if the "Save Log File" check-box is marked).
• A new Apple Scripts sample ("Set Radio-Buttons"), shows how to control this new Radio Button by AppleScript.
What's new in the 1.8.3
• In the previous versions, FS was not be able to delete folders with custom icon. In this version, FS can delete these folders.
• When you pick a folder, FS will show you, as current folder, the parent folder of the last folder set.
What's new in the 1.8.2
• In the previous versions, if the check-box "Unlock locked files" was marked, FS unlocked all the locked files and leaved them in that state. In this version, FS unlocks the locked files just to do some tasks and then restores their original state.
What's new in the 1.8.1
• The Short Log Window now can show very long "Log Files".
What's new in the 1.8
• The Short Log Window can show both "Short Log" and the saved "Log Files" (if the check-box "Save Log File" in the Preferences area was marked). At the end of the sync or backup, click on the arrow which appears and see the saved Log Files in this window directly, without using "SimpleText" application. At the bottom left of the Log Window there are two buttons: press the left button to see the ShortLog(s); press the right button to see the saved Log File(s).
• The Log Window is resizable and has vertical and horizontal bars. The vertical bar regards always the content of the Log Report. In case of multiple syncs/backups, the horizontal bar switches the single tasks.
• Since now, all the windows/dialogs can be closed by pressing the Command-W keys.
• The preference file name is now "FoldersSynchronizer 1.8 Prefs".
What's new in the 1.7.5
• FS runs also on monitors less than 14" size. The minimum resolution requested is 360x360.
What's new in the 1.7
• FS can start BackUps and Synchronizations at the specified interval time (e.g.: every 1 hour and 20 minutes).
You can set the interval by days, hours and minutes. You can also set the starting day and time.
• FS can unlock the locked files, so the "exact backup", can delete also the locked files. Mark the check-box "Unlock locked files" in the Preferences area to allow FS unlocks the locked files.
• AppleScripts can now manage the check-boxes of the Preferences area. See the file "Set Check-Boxes" inside the "AE Applet Samples" Folder.
• The preference file name is now "FoldersSynchronizer 1.7 Prefs". As the previous versions, if you hold down the option key when launch FS (until the splash screen appears, and two seconds more), FS will skip the old 1.7 saved Preference file.
What's new in the 1.6.5 version
• FS can copy also invisible Files and Folders.
Go to the Preferences area and mark the check-box "Invisible Items" to let FS considers these items when working.
• FS considers also files like "OpenFolderListDF" which have a Carriage Return at the end of the filename.
What's new in the 1.6 version
• FS can start BackUps and Synchronizations at the specified time.
You can choose 7 timers specifying Hour, Minutes and the day of the week (on Monday, on Tuesday,... or Every Day).
You have to leave FoldersSynchronizer open, if you want Syncs/Backups start automatically at the time specified.
FS checks the timer list every 10 seconds (in multitasking mode), only if the "Timer On" check-box is marked and the current area is the consolle (the window with the 2 big arrows).
If some error occurs, FS will stop the current task and will switch the Timer to off to prevent any next trouble.
When you apply the timer list, FS will not consider, as today tasks, the today timers which are less or equal to the current system time.
If the system is busy, FS will wait to take the control, then it will execute in background mode the syncs/backups not yet done.
• There is a new menu "Option". It contains the menu items: Preferences, Filters, Multiple List, Timer.
• The preference file name is now "FoldersSynchronizer 1.6 Prefs".
What's new in the 1.5 version
• FS can do multiple synchronizations or backups from your custom list. For now, max 7 synchronizations or backups are available at one time. Click on the blue "m" icon to set your multiple list.
• FS saves and reloads your multiple lists.
• FS shows the ShortLog window (by request) with multiple pages.
What's new in the 1.4.2 version
• Now FS works fine also with MacOS German version on old SCSI disks.
What's new in the 1.4.1 version
• In the "Info" area there is a new check-box: "Exact BackUp". If checked (only together with "One direction only"), FS will delete, from the Bottom Folder, all the Files and all the Folders that no longer exist in the Top Folder.
This way, the Bottom Folder will be an exact copy of the Top Folder, as the Finder has replaced the entire content of the Bottom Folder.
FS, which operates differently from the Finder, will copy only the Files and the Folders which really need to be copied, deleting in the Bottom Folder the Files and the Folders that no longer exist in the Top Folder, and therefore will take less time in the Finder. Moreover, the Filters can work together with this option. e.g. If you define a filter, FS will copy (or skip) and will delete (or skip) only those Files which match that filter.
Use this option with care. THERE IS NO WAY TO UNDO THIS PROCESS!
What's new in the 1.3 version
• Some tasks run faster than previous versions (Scan Folders and Sync Files).
• In the "Info" area there are two new check-boxes: "Beep when done" and "Save Log File".
• The progress bar now appears as a 3D shadow standard Macintosh.
• The "RegistrationFile.txt" has changed. The 1.x registered users can get the new "RegistrationFile.txt" free, by request to, specifying Registered Name and Email as they appear in the previous registered versions. No "RegistrationFile.txt" will be sent to different email addresses.
• The preference file name is now "FoldersSynchronizer 1.3 Prefs"
What's new in the 1.2 version
• FS shows an infinite progress bar when it scans the folders looking for files to copy. So, when you apply some filters and FS scans a folder with many files but few files specified by filters, you can be sure that FS is working.
• You can click also on the radio-button labels to activate them.
• You can use the Enter, the Return and the Escape keys in the Filters area.
What's new in the 1.1 version
• The "RegistrationFile.txt" goes into the "PlugIn" folder. Please take your old "RegistrationFile.txt" from your old version and place it into the "PlugIn" folder.
• FS 1.1 can now filter the documents to copy by Type, Creator and Modification Date.
See below the section "Use the filters".
• If you hold down the option key when launch FS (until the splash screen appears, and two seconds more), FS will skip the old saved Preference file. In any case, the old preference file "SyncroPref10.txt" is no long considered by FS 1.1. You could also delete this file.
About Pricing
"FoldersSynchronizer2" has the following pricing:
• Single user licenses, $30 per user (US Dollars)
• A Site License costs $400 and covers all locations for your organization within a 160 kilometer radius of your site (100 miles). One big advantage of a Site License is that you do not need to keep track of how many people at your site are using the software.
• A World-Wide License costs $600 and it covers all locations for your organization on the planet earth.
Upgrade from "FoldersSynchronizer1" to "FoldersSynchronizer2" has the following pricing:
• Single user licenses, $10 per user (US Dollars)
• A Site License costs $200.
• A World-Wide License costs $300.
About Registration
Paying for the FoldersSynchronizer is fairly simple. There are two methods. On the Web (quick, easy and secure payment on-line) and by "Register" application (off-line).
• To register on the web:
Go to the web page
1 - Choose the product and how many copies you want.
2 - Click on the button "Continue" and the invoice form will appear.
3 - Fill the fields with your name, email, address, Credit-Card datas and then click on the button "Purchase".
That's all. If your browser supports, you can switch on SSL secure payment form (SSL is the internet international standandard secure form of payment).
Don't forget to include your email address. If you have not got one, send your friend's email address.
We cannot accept orders without your email, because we can only send by email the "RegistrationFile.txt" (which unlocks the shareware limitations).
Kagi will send you the approved invoice, in max 3 days (usually in few hours or minutes).
After that you will receive by us via Email a little TextFile ("RegistrationFile.txt") to put inside the "FoldersSynchronizer" application folder. This text file will unlock the shareware limitations.
We use to send the "RegistrationFile.txt" within 24 hours (also in few hours), so if you haven't heard anything after 3 days, most likely you have given us an Invalid Email Address. So please contact us at providing your alternative email address.
• To register off-line by the "Register" application:
You need the "Register" application that accompanies "FoldersSynchronizer" package.
If the package doesn't include the "Register" application, you could download it (51Kb) from
1 - Launch the "Register" application, enter your name, email address and the number of single user licenses or other licenses you desire.
2 - Save or copy or print the data from the Register program and send the data and payment to Kagi (the best way is via email to
Kagi is the company who handles our payment processing.
The fastest way (max 3 days, but usually few hours) is to save the invoice to a text file, choosing "via email", and send that text file via email as attachment to You can also open the invoice text file with an editor (e.g. SimpleText) select all the text, copy and paste the text to the email message body so as it is (without any changement).
Don't forget to include your email address. If you have not got one, send your friend's email address.
We cannot accept orders without your email, because we can only send by email the "RegistrationFile.txt" (which unlocks the shareware limitations).
Kagi will send you the approved invoice, in max 3 days (usually in few hours or minutes).
After that you will receive by us via Email a little TextFile ("RegistrationFile.txt") to put inside the "FoldersSynchronizer" application folder. This text file will unlock the shareware limitations.
We use to send the "RegistrationFile.txt" within 24 hours (also in few hours), so if you haven't heard anything after 3 days, most likely you have given us an Invalid Email Address. So please contact us at providing your alternative email address.
If you are paying with Cash or USD Cheque you should print the data using the Register application and send it to the address shown on the form, which is:
1442-A Walnut Street #392-U3S
Berkeley, California 94709-1405
You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but at present if you pay via cheque, it must be a cheque drawn in US Dollars. Kagi cannot accept cheques in other currencies.
If you have a purchasing department, you can enter all the data into the Register program and then select Invoice as your payment method. Print three copies of the form and send it to your accounts payable people. You might want to highlight the line that mentions that they must include a copy of the form with their payment.
Kagi can not invoice your company, you need to act on my behalf and generate the invoice and handle all the paperwork on your end.
Please do not fax or email payment forms that indicate Cash, Check or Invoice as the payment method. As far as we know, there is still no technology to transfer physical objects via fax or email and without the payment, the form cannot be processed.
Payments send via postal mail take time to reach Kagi and then up to 10 days for processing. Again, if you include a correct email address, you will hear from Kagi when the form is processed.
"Softobe" and the Softobe Logo are registered trademarks of Softobe.
Softobe grants a free "limited trial version" of the software. The "limited trial version" allows to Synchronize/Backup max 40 files. For a "full-run" version the user must be registered with Softobe with appropriate compensation and registration forms. Once registered, the user will receive by email a special file which turns the "limited trial version" in a "full-run version". Under no circumstances may the full-run version software be used unless the previously stated conditions have been satisfied. You must purchase a separate single user licence of the software for each Macintosh it is used on, or purchase a Site-Licence or a World-Licence.
Unless explicitly stated in writing, Softobe does not grant permission to distribute the software for profit in any form, including but not limited to, electronic information service distribution, bulletin board distribution, and magnetic or optical medium distribution. Non-profit distribution of the only "limited trial version" of the software is acceptable without prior written notice, providing that the software is not modified in any way, and the complete works of the software are included in the distribution package.
Softobe is not responsible for any damage to the purchaser's computer system or data and in no event will Softobe, its officers, directors, employees or agents be responsible to the purchaser for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the Softobe product, even if Softobe has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.
If you have any question concerning the above license, please refer:
Softobe (technical support and general issues)